I know that for many guys, it’s hard to see if she likes you through text or not.
For this reason, I decided to discuss it.
Of course, there is not just one thing that will determine whether she likes you through text or not but a multitude of factors.
In my newsletter, I discuss this even more profoundly.
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In the following article, you will get 25 signs that she likes you through text.
But first, let me address another equally important question you would like to know…
Is She Interested in Me?
The question Is she interested in me? Is, of course, the first question you need to get an answer to.
Because if she’s not, there is no point in continuing to text her, right?
As I told you above, there are many different ways that she might reveal her romantic interest in you.
Most girls won’t tell you this upfront.
It is society and their upbringing who are “wiring” their brains to think this way, and this is true in every human culture as well.
No matter if she comes from a conservative country or a liberal one.
Interestingly, these facts never change; her values don’t count as much as she
Besides discussing the 25 signs that she likes you, which I will share below, there is one more bonus that I will share with you right now, and this alone will blow your mind.
This bonus will help you make her interested in you.
25 Signs She Likes You Through Text
Here are 25 tell-tale signs that she likes you through text:
- She initiates texting. In most texting situations, you, as a man, are supposed to take the initiative and create the texting. If she starts to do it instead, she’s definitely into you. If you want a lengthier discussion about this, I suggest you read the article Why Don’t Girls Text First?
- She texts you things that are happening in her daily life. If she likes you, you will get frequent updates about what is going on in her life, whether you’ve asked for it or not.
- She replies fast. If she had to wait to respond to you for a while in the beginning and suddenly starts to text you as soon as you’ve sent the latest text message to her, she’s into you.
- She texts even when she tells you that she doesn’t have time. Whether at work, school, or sleep, she will continue to text you and sacrifice her time for you.
- She texts often. If she texts you often, it is a good sign that she cares about you enough to reply to your text messages.
- Her texts are engaging and on topic. When you discuss things, she is eager to discuss them as well as you are.
- Does she use lots of emoticons ?????! Emoticons show that she cares about you. She doesn’t just use that with anyone, especially not if it’s a guy. This tells you that she puts a lot of emotions into your conversation.
- She writes lengthy texts sometimes. If she doesn’t just reply with short messages but uses long texts to mix things up, she likes to vary the conversation and answer you.
- She sends you flirty messages. Most girls are cautious about sending flirty texts to random guys because she knows it can be misinterpreted as a romantic interest, so if she still sends you these texts, she almost certainly likes you a lot. Here are my flirty texts that you can send to her.
- She sends you fun messages. If she uses humor, she feels a connection to you and trusts you: Connection is something significant in a romantic relationship for girls.
- She teases you. Girls love to tease guys, and if she sends you text messages to tease you, she probably likes you.
- She texts you about things that she knows you like. It could be just that she is polite to you, but if she starts to propose that you should watch a film, go to an exhibit, or do something else that you have talked about, she is undoubtedly into you.
- She sends you “text giggles.” Many LMAOs, LOLs, HAHAs, and all those other things might signify that she likes you.
- She compliments you a lot. If she compliments you, she likes you because compliments are a way of telling another human being that you want this person. This list of 65 compliments she can’t resist is what you can send back to her. (Courtesy of ChiRhoDating.Com)
- She sends you her favorite things like songs, playlists, etc. She wants you to know and appreciate what she likes if she does this. It gives you a sneak-peak into her private sphere.
- She sends you a photo. If you’re not on a dating site, or suddenly, in the middle of a conversation, she sends you a recent photo of herself; she most likely likes you.
- She asks you out. As number 1 on this list, if she takes the initiative and the considerable risk of asking you, she most definitely likes you.
- She sends photos of her doing her favorite things. Whether riding a horse, taking a crazy picture of herself or eating her favorite dishes, she tells you that you have become a massive part of your life. This is pre-framing, and she already imagines you being her boyfriend.
- She asks questions, a lot of them. If she starts asking you about who you see and other things about your life, she is already considering her your girlfriend and has the right to know where you are.
- She sends you a picture of her and her pet. If she loves this pet or this pet has been in the family for a long, she is introducing you to an important family member. It’s not her mom and dad but still a family member.
- She explains how sorry she is that she can’t talk anymore. This is her way of saying: I miss you already.
- She starts to “stalk” you on social media. Do you suddenly have a bunch of likes from her and comments on your Instagram flow? This is her way to announce that you are busy… with her publicly.
- She starts to lecture you about proper behavior. If she tells you that something you have done isn’t okay: Apologize and do as she says. This will tell her that she is your boss.
- She sends you nudies. If she is this brave, you know she wants to see you butt-naked TONIGHT.
- She tells you what kind of things she wants to do with you when you see each other. This is pre-framing, too, but she leaves it to your imagination to figure out the rest.
What to Do When You Notice The 25 Signs She Likes You Through Text
As a bonus section, I want to reveal the one thing you need to do when you notice the 25 signs she likes you through text:
Start planning your first date.
Remember to always look for these 25 signs she likes you through text.
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Happy texting!