Signs a Girl Likes You Over Text
Do you know the signs a girl likes you over text?
Can you tell the difference between like as a friend or as a lover?
Is it even possible to do so?
Yes, it is quite possible to tell the difference if you know what you are looking for.
There are subtle differences though that you must be aware of.
I will tell you about them soon.
But before I get into the details, I want to discuss something very important.
I know all about the pain we feel when we are told by a hot girl that we are “just friends”.
It really hurts and I know all about it since I have been there myself.
Do you wish there was a better way to get the hot female friend of yours out on a date?
Well, there is and the power to attract girls is really in the palm of your hand!
Discover how to text your way out of the friend zone.
10 Signs a Girl Likes You Texting
Now, as promised in the beginning, I will reveal the tell-tale signs a girl likes you when you’re texting her.
Texting is really a conversation.
To attract her you must keep the conversation going.
It can be pain-staking from time to time but it is absolutely necessary to do this, if you want to attract a girl and make her like you first and then fall in love with you.
Remember that attraction is a process.
This is what the HIT-formula really describes, the process of falling in love.
You see, when a girl likes you, she will respond to your texts quite fast, almost immediately after you texted her.
But there are some other ways to tell if she likes you or not.
I can, of course, never tell you if she’s into you or not with 100% certainty. For this reason, I use the phrase “might be into you” because there are no warranties in life or how people express themselves in a text.
Here my 10 favourite signs to discover whether she likes me or not:
Signs a Girl Likes You: She starts texting you.
Yes, she might even start the conversation and she can ask you questions like What’s up? or Wanna hang out?
Girls normally prefer that guys take the initiative and begin texting her first but if she likes you, she might very well start the conversation and even make up excuses to text you, even if she’s busy.
Signs a Girl Likes You: She tells you about her life.
It doesn’t matter what she’s doing, she just needs to text you and she sends you texts on what she does at the same moment she does them.
No matter if it’s ordering her favourite coffee at Starbucks or getting a pedicure or getting a new and bold style at the hairdresser, she will tell you about it, almost compulsory.
Signs a Girl Likes You: The length of her texts are increased.
She wants to tell you so much that she write long texts. I know I have been advising you not to do it but I can tell you that if she begins to do it, you can do it too.
Signs a Girl Likes You: ? Emoticons and “cute talk”.
If she starts to use emoticons and that the level of her English is that of a 3-year-old, it too might be an indication that she’s really into you.
She might start to add extra vowels to the words or other things.
Signs a Girl Likes You: She checks in on you constantly
If she sends you texts and you do not respond to them she will immediately check if you are okay and might even text you something like Are you okay?
Signs a Girl Likes You: She texts you all the time
As I discussed above, it’s the length of her texts that sometimes can be a tell-tale sign that she’s into you.
Another sign would be the frequency.
If she texts you quite often, this might be another sign that she likes you.
Signs a Girl Likes You: She sends you pictures of herself
Since girls are quite cautious about sending pictures to guys, it is not very common that she would send pictures of herself, even if you ask for it.
Normally, girls are not comfortable sending you pictures.
Especially if the pictures she sends of herself are wacky or candid.
Let’s face it, girls get asked to share their pictures with men all the time.
It is no wonder that girls are somewhat guarded.
So if you don’t have to ask her but she sends you pictures anyway, she might be into you.
Signs a Girl Likes You: She uses the HIT-formula
The good thing about the HIT-formula is that you could spark attraction in a girl immediately.
Another good thing is that she can use it on you too.
If you notice that she tries to make you smile, maybe even crack a joke or two, she begins to intrigue you and teases you, this might be a strong indication that she likes you and want to be your girlfriend.
Signs a Girl Likes You: She sends you flirty texts
Yes, this is another indication that she might be into you.
Remember that girls are very cautious and always expects the guy to make the first move.
It doesn’t matter whether it’s texting, dating, or in the relationship. She expects this to prove that you’re worth her time.
So if she starts to send flirty texts to you, ask her out on a date!
Signs a Girl Likes You: She asks you out on a date
If she’s into you and you haven’t had the guts to ask her out yet, she might take things in her own hand and ask you out on a date.
This is a no-brainer, actually.
If she is this brave with you, you don’t need to think about whether she’s into you or not.
She is into you because otherwise, she would never have asked you out.
Don’t be sour or complain about it, just accept it! After all, it’s 2018.
Now, I have discussed my 10 favourite signs that might indicate that a girl is into you.
If you would like to get the tell-tale signs that a girl is into you, click the link below and watch the video that it takes you to and you will get all the nitty-gritty details on the signs a girl likes you over texts, okay?
Discover the signs a girl likes you through text now.
Take care!