What you will read below has been hard for me to write down since it is quite an embarrassing story for me.
Still, since it helped me become an expert in texting women, I decided to overcome my negative emotions and write down my story since there are many valuable lessons to be learned from it.
How I Discovered What to Text to a Girl
The article will reveal how I discovered what to text to a girl.
I have not always been a great expert on texting women and getting them to go out with me on dates.
So, let me start this post by sharing my personal story with you:
I was an inexperienced guy, and I was in my late 20s when I began to date girls.
I have grown up surrounded by many women since early childhood.
So speaking to women has always been relatively easy for me, at least when the discussion focuses on everyday topics.
Romantically, however, I was hopeless.
Whenever I was in front of a beautiful girl, I didn’t know what to say.
I felt so stupid because, in my head, I would have come up with the “perfect” words to say to her.
When I tried actually to say it, I would either say something completely lame.
It was on a good day.
Other times, I would get so nervous that I would say it completely wrong and struggle just to get the words right, no matter how much I tried.
I felt even more hopeless than I did before.
Then, I had it one day and decided that enough was enough.
The Day I Discovered What to Text a Girl
In pure desperation turned to the Internet and typed in the words “How to Get a Girl to Like You.”
Then I learned one of the most important lessons that no one has told me.
Girls and women of all ages have three things in common:
- Girls like men who can take care of them.
- They want intimacy and like to cuddle.
- Confident men are more attractive than shy guys.
It was a real eye-opener for me.
All of a sudden, I knew what I was doing wrong.
So I started implementing the techniques I discovered online, and you know what? They worked, and I finally got some dates!
Now, I have to tell you that I was still hopeless about texting girls. I was just good at asking them out on a date effortlessly.
It is a good thing, don’t get me wrong.
But it will only get you out on a date and not into a relationship.
When I texted girls back then, I would just write her dull messages like Hi! How are you today? I am fine, by the way.
It is the wrong concept altogether.
I answered the question before I gave her a chance to answer my question.
That is NOT how to get a girl to like you over text. It is the OPPOSITE!
When I failed, I thought I should give up the whole dating again.
I told one of my close friends about it and that I had had enough dating.
He told me not to give up and gave me a genuinely mind-blowing secret.
Thanks to John, I Discovered What to Text a Girl
My friend, let’s call him John for simplicity, was dating a beautiful girl at the time.
I asked him how he did it.
He shared a mind-blowing secret with me.
He said, and I will never forget his EXACT WORDS: To attract women over text, you must know how to seduce her.
You can attract her with three simple texts.
I was shocked, and I have to say that I was pretty skeptical too.
Then he told me about Bobby Rio’s video where he learned how to talk to a girl over text.
It will help any guy build rapport with women.
What to Say to a Girl in Text
I finally got the big breakthrough I had been looking for for years.
I finally got the essential key to getting girls effortlessly, even if we just met briefly and exchanged phone numbers.
Who could have thought that just by watching a free video, you could learn the three best texts to send to a girl to make her attractive to you?
Why is this important?
Because if she’s attracted to you, it will be a lot easier for you to ask her out on a date.
She will say yes to you if she is attracted to you. It is that simple!
It’s hard to pick up girls, but if you can discover how to do it over text, you will be in a winning position, right?
This is something most guys do not know.
My Big Discovery About Texting Girls
I don’t want to startle you, but you should remember that girls will be bolder when you text her than if you meet in real life.
It is always easier to be bolder in writing than in real life, especially if you are shy.
Don’t feel bad if you’re shy. Most guys are.
Some guys cover their shyness by acting all confident around girls.
For this reason, you can use the seven texts to send to her, but they will get you started.
They will get you to have an ongoing conversation with her.
It is a good thing, but
If you want to get her out on a date, you should use the three best texts to send to a girl that Bobby reveals in the video.
Trust me, you will benefit from them.
They helped my friend get two different girls, one of them he ended up marrying.
John is one proof that it worked and I am another proof.
If you still have doubts, I will tell you about Steven.
How to Get a Girl to Like You Over Text
Steven is a friend of mine that I met on an online forum.
He struggled with shyness, just like I did and he had this girl he had always dreamed about, Anna.
Anna was already in a relationship with another guy who mistreated her, and Steven was a friendly but pretty shy guy.
He reached out to me when he heard that I found a way to overcome my shyness and was able to get girls effortlessly.
I wanted to help him, so we decided to meet in real life since we lived in the same city, we decided to go to a sports bar that both of us knew.
We met there and sat down and began to chit-chat.
He told me that Anna and he constantly texted whenever she needed his support.
She could tell him things she never could tell her female friends because they would not “get it.”
I heard what he was saying and before we split, I told him how I overcame shyness and how Bobby Rio’s video helped John and me and told him to look at it and implement the strategies Bobby shares therein.
How Steven Discovered What to Text a Girl Big Time
The following Sunday, I got a call from Steven.
He was laughing and thanking me.
It turns out that Anna, his “secret” crush, has had enough with her boyfriend and left him.
She had been quite upset and called Steven.
She needed a place to stay for the night, and all of her other friends would have told her that they couldn’t help her and that the best thing she could do was to ask her ex-boyfriend for forgiveness and let her move in with him again.
Since her parents lived in another city and it was pretty late, she turned to Steven who told her that she could sleep in his bed that night and he would be crashing on the sofa.
When she got inside, he told her the three tips Bobby Rio reveals in the video and before he could say “Kiss me,” they started to kiss and make their way into the bedroom.
He called me and thanked me, and said, “Bobby Rio is a real lifesaver; spread the word to as many guys as possible. It’s golden!“
Today, they are happily married and are now expecting their first child.
What You Can Do to Discover What to Text a Girl
Now, you might just want to pick up a girl you are interested in.
I don’t know, but it works for any sexual relationship with a girl, whether you want a girl for the night or life.
So, I hope you now understand the power of Magnetic Messaging by Bobby Rio. I expect you to listen to what he shares with you, take action, and start implementing these “lifesaving strategies,” to quote Steven.
If you watch the video and start implementing these strategies, I can almost guarantee that you will see some results.
After all, I, to some extent and Steven and John, to a greater area, are all living proof that this system works.
Disclaimer: Results may vary between individuals. The results described in the text above should not be seen as typical or a guarantee of any sort.