In the past, I have covered what you shouldn’t text a girl and what you should text her.
I’ve also given you a lot of texts you can send to a girl you like.
However, I haven’t gotten to the point where I could tell you what to text a girl, so I thought I would share my knowledge on this topic with you today.
This short post will share some of my favorites on what to text a girl.
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It is 100% free, and as a bonus, you will receive my free report on the ten best texts to send to a girl, even if you have just met her.
You may also benefit from reading my article about texting a girl.
The Truth About What to Text a Girl
Most blogs tell you to send her texts like:
- Are you free for a drink tonight?
- Want to hang out tonight?
- Are you up for something tonight?
These texts are significant and may get her out on a date with you, but the chances are that she won’t.
I will start by discussing one of the most influential texts, the so-called “thinking of you”-text.
She gets these texts from guys all the time.
Especially if she’s an attractive woman.
However, other readers will get her out on a date. You might wonder why, and I will reveal the truth to you right now:
The Powerful Thinking of Your Text
One of the best texts you can send her is the “thinking of you” text.
It is a text where you tell her that you are thinking about her, and the whole purpose of sending her this text is to make her feel special.
Let me share some insight with you here on why you want this.
You want her to feel special when you text her because if she does, she will start to think about you even when you’re not around.
It is how humans fall in love.
I have experienced this many times myself.
Of course, you think about people you don’t like a lot, which is the negative side of the same loophole in our male psychology.
I especially remember when a much older woman tried to get me to ask her out on a date because she was clearly into me, but I was not interested in her.
She always tried to make me look at her bottom or comment on something to make me look at her.
While she was on cloud seven, I felt depressed and disgusted.
I gave her a lot of thought until I realized what she was trying to make me do.
I can tell you that it wasn’t happy or warm, fuzzy, romantic thoughts I thought when I thought of her without exaggerating things.
I didn’t smile. I was furious.
Luckily, this is the only bad experience I have ever had with this.
It has been a purely positive and pleasant experience for most of my life.
The Power of Knowing What to Text a Girl
I fell in love with one of my ex-girlfriends this way.
She wasn’t doing a lot of stuff to get my attention; she just talked very nicely and smoothly, and before I knew it, I thought of her and fell in love with her.
We did text a lot as well.
In the beginning, it felt weird, but after a while, I got used to it, and when we didn’t text or see each other in reality, it felt like something was missing.
I remember using number 3 in my free report, the text that made me become a couple.
She later confessed that she had her eyes on me from the first time she saw me and just knew that she wanted to get to know me a bit better and hope that I wasn’t someone’s boyfriend since she wanted me badly.
Discover what to text a girl to make her want you now.
Texting a Girl for the First Time
I didn’t use that text the first time I texted her.
What kind of texts can you use the first time you text a girl?
I think the three texts that Bobby Rio shares in his video are best to send to a girl when you text her for the first time.
They use the HIT formula, as I dubbed it, to create rapport with women.
Get the three best texts for texting a girl for the first time now.*
This link is followed by an asterisk (*) because this is a sponsored link.
If you decide to purchase through my link, I will get a cut from your purchase. I want to be honest with you upfront.
What to Text a Girl: Use The HIT-Formula
Instead of texting her something boring like Hi! or How r u? You could use one of the other texts that I share in my free report since they are crafted to create:
- Humour
- Intrigue
- Tease
in a woman.
Remember to keep a positive tone, as positivity attracts women.
It’s one of the best tips I can share as a general rule of thumb on what to text a girl.
That’s what makes the humor so powerful when you text or talk to a girl.
If you don’t know what to text a girl, I suggest you sign up for my newsletter because you will then.
Get the ten texts to send a girl you like for free.
You will receive texts that do all three things.
Some are fun, some are designed to create intrigue, and some are there to give her a little friendly tease, increasing the likelihood that she will accept going out on a date with you.
The combination of the three parts makes the HIT formula so powerful.
The texts are pretty innocent, but you might go more naughty too.
The Real Power of Knowing What to Text a Girl
You need to penetrate her mind before you can have any hope of penetrating another body part, if you know what I mean.
So, will these texts get her out on a date? Yes, they will!
If you want to get her out on a date, you can do it as this article suggests.
When you text a girl, you must mix up reply times.
Sometimes you send her a text immediately, and sometimes wait for a while.
Don’t ignore her, though, since “negging” won’t get you, girls; it will only leave you single, lonely, and miserable.
My texts are great for starting a conversation over text with a girl you just met.
They might also be used in a continuous conversation to mix things up and change the conversation’s tone in your favor.
Get the ten texts now and discover what to text a girl.
Another thing I would like to discuss quite shortly is the importance of grammar.
Indeed, your grammar and spelling don’t have to be perfect the whole time.
She’ll get it if it is suitable for the most part.
The important thing is not to procrastinate but rather do and push yourself moving forward with this girl.
Tell her about what’s going on in your life from time to time.
Trust me. She will also appreciate it and start to share what’s going on in her life.
It is a great way to get to know her and share who you are.
Use this to mix up your texting as well.
If you want my texts, don’t forget to sign up for my newsletter.